Aukje is our Commander in Chief, in charge of ensuring
everyone does what they should and coordinating everything.
Her usual bubbling enthusiasm appears to have prevailed
as the look of panic that she had when she got the job
has almost totally worn off :-)
Sarah is our new treasurer, in charge of Ceilidhsoc's
fortune (ahem). This means that she must thwart Aukje's
plans of World Domination in favour of the more budget
friendly Small-Corner-of-Sheffield Domination. She suffers
from mild multiple-musician disorder in that she can
be seen playing a different instrument each week - the
cello, the guitar, the recorder...
Aisling's encyclopedic knowledge of tunes ensured she
got the position of music officer. She is in charge
of orgnising the scratch bands for ceilidhs. She can
be seen at sessions playing either a fiddle or the pipes
- she'll be the one with the random items in her hair.
Currently under scientific investigation on suspicion
of being atomically powered.
Emma is now in charge of ensuring that the ceilidh's
run smoothly on the night. She will often be found asking
if you will help out on the door in that terminally
polite way of hers. The trick is to say yes, or the
request will simply be terminal...
Simon let slip that he owned a car during the AGM, and shortly afterwards
discovered he had volunteered to look after the Ceilidhsoc PA system.
He even survived carrying it all back from the next ceilidh, which given the
weight of all that kit was a good trick. He can be seen at sessions playing guitar.
John has the role of Vice-President, which officially
makes him Aukje's slave assistant and
general dogsbody useful person. He's
also in charge of ferrying Sarah (Treasurer) around
with her big bag of Ceilidhsoc "Official Stuff".
Ben is the one who gets to deal with our email and
snail mail and ensure that everyone knows what was said
at meetings. He's also intends to keep the text in the
website up to date, though that would be breaking years
of tradition for a society website. He may yet be a
fountain of useful information - the trick is persuading
him to speak loud enough for you to hear it...
Sarah is in charge of ensuring the world knows about
Ceilidhsoc. She creates the posters and flyers that
tell everyone when our events are, and is in charge
of the marauding teams of people who splatter them around
Brian is the brains behind our website - he's the one
who developed most of the features that makes it all
run, and the graphics that make it look good. Since
he spends half the night coding and sleeps half the
day, we're under the impression he works on New York