Other Committees













Aisling finally gets to fulfil her destiny as the Chosen One. Proposed as president last year she managed escape the job, only to be elected this year. Normally a maniac fiddler and occasional blower of bagpipes, she has now been corrupted into the way of Morris. Beware the white hanky – it is not a sign of peace!



Jemma has taken on the goal of trying to keep ceilidhsoc afloat in these days of Union funding cutbacks; a tricky job that seems to get trickier every year. Another convert to the religion of purple so be careful not to confuse her with any of the other members of this cult.


Music Officer

Ian is another one of those people who turned up to ceilidhsoc seemingly destined to fit the role of music officer and admitting to an encyclopaedic knowledge of folk tunes only sealed his fate. Ian plays the box, or just about anything else you hand him as well as dancing Appalachian with Feet First. Ian’s the man to talk to if you want to get up on stage at any of the ceilidhs, or if you want to know what the tune they just played was called.


House Managers

Rosie and Ellie between them co-ordinate and run the actual ceilidhs with jobs ranging from organising who is on the door to ensuring that the band get their drinks. With that much responsibility you would have to be mad to take on the job - fortunately we had a bit of luck there…




We had to have someone sensible on the committee. This year Charley picked that role of keeping an eye on people, making sure that everything that needed doing was done and picking up the slack when other members of the committee dropped by the wayside. After only a few months in the job though the façade is cracking. We wait to see what will emerge…



Ceri keeps the minutes, and lets everyone know what's going one in and around the folk scene. She is also a bit of a clubber which accounts for the odd non-folk related event going out on the mailing list. If your still raring to go at the end a ceilidh Ceri is the one to lookout for as she usually seems to be on her way off to Headcharge.



This year we are bring out the big guns with a huge publicity drive in preparation for IVFDF so we have two publicity officers. Purple Jen provides the organisation and Vicky the enthusiasm.
They will be rushing round with posters in an effort to ensure that no students miss out on the opportunity to dance! If you find any bits of the university which are NOT covered in posters let them know so they can rectify the problem.




Brian is a sucker for punishment as he continues for another year of being in charge of website design. This year he plans to just be webmaster and not to do many of the other jobs as well. Yeah, right.


Copyright © 2005 CeilidhSoc | Last Changed: 14/10/2010